Amey Consulting was appointed by Liverpool City Council to develop a Master plan and detailed design proposals for the redevelopment of Liverpool City Centre.


This scheme was developed to address existing and identified future weaknesses in the transport system with a focus on sustainable modes of travel and supporting continued and accelerating growth of the economy. It was clear that infrastructure provision must keep pace with the rate at which growth and development is taking place. Importantly, the city’s transport network must be able to accommodate a growing demand for movement to, from and around the City Centre, recognising that the emphasis of key trip attractors is continually evolving and that greater opportunities must be provided for active travel, and the use of public transport.

The solution

Amey Consulting was appointed to support the Liverpool City Council in achieving their vision for Liverpool City Centre:

“An economically distinctive, thriving world class city, with a sustainable transport network that responds to the ever-changing needs of its residents, businesses and visitors, whilst maximising value from its waterfront and heritage sites. “

Through extensive research and stakeholder engagement the design team along with client agreed on a brief and design philosophy for the LCCC scheme that when delivered onsite will revolutionise the way in which people travel in and around Liverpool City Centre, offering real modal choice and helping to improve safety, health and wellbeing.

There are nine investment packages that make up Liverpool City Centre Connectivity scheme:

Brownlow Hill

  • Introduction of a new cycleway and high quality paving to create a more pedestrian friendly environment. Footpaths will also be widened to form external seating areas for restaurant and cafes, generating further commercial opportunities for the existing businesses and help attract further investment.

Victoria Street

  • The transformation of Victoria Street from three to two lane, tree lined highway.
  • More effective use of the road space and reduction of the current level of traffic dominance on this major road corridor, including innovative diagonal controlled crossings based on extensive desktop and field research.
  • Enhancement to pedestrian connectivity linking car parks/shopping and leisure areas.
  • Assist in the regeneration of business within the area by removing street clutter, widening of existing footways to encourage more active building frontages and uses at ground level, supporting future investment and helping existing business flourish.
  • Showcase the array of historic buildings while supporting thriving day and night time economies.

Canning Dock

  • Four new bridges including one mechanical swing bridge, two removal bridges and a permanent structure to link Salthouse Quay with Mann Island and open up land for future development.
  • Sympatric bridge design taking into account the rich maritime historic and world heritage site location.
  • The new bridge will form an additional pedestrian link from the docks which house various tourist and leisure attractions with Mann Island.


  • Environmental improvement scheme which includes new high quality paving in footpath areas, addition of trees and resurfacing of the Carriageway.

Tithebarn Street

  • Upgrade of the area and a new cycle link from Lime Street Station to Waterfront.

City Coach Park 

  • New city coach park with an off-street facility and rest area for drivers.
  • This scheme is to encourage tour operators and private bus companies to drop passengers off and wait outside the city centre in a designated coach park. This should help reduce traffic congestion and bus layovers throughout the city centre.

City Bus Hub

  • New city bus hub near Queen Square bus station along with a new bus routing strategy will cut congestion and pollution. Provision of a bus layover and interchange facility to reduce number of empty buses circulating around streets.


The Liverpool City Centre Connectivity Scheme (LCCC) aims to boost transport links and further fuel Liverpool’s international appeal to investors, shoppers and tourists with its visitor economy, currently valued at £3.6bn/year, expected to grow by 25% over the next 10 years.


 ”This is a scheme that will make a huge difference to how everyone from residents, workers, shoppers, students and tourists can enjoy Liverpool.”

“Liverpool’s international appeal to visitors and investors has blossomed over the past decade and this has set many new challenges and new opportunities.”

“This new transport scheme addresses many of our current and future needs to improve the city centre welcome and provide an experience befitting a world class city.”

Councillor Malcolm Kennedy, Cabinet Member for Regeneration