Industry leading carbon management process earns Amey PAS 2080:2023 designer certification
Amey has today announced it has formally achieved PAS 2080:2023 designer certification from British Standards Institution (BSI).
PAS 2080:2023 specifies requirements for the management of whole-life carbon in buildings and infrastructure. Today’s announcement certifies that Amey’s design capability is industry leading in offering clients an understanding of how to integrate carbon reduction across the full-lifecycle of a project. The potential impact of PAS 2080 design level support for infrastructure owners is game-changing in the drive to reach net zero ambitions as 70% of carbon emissions worldwide can be linked to infrastructure.*
In their report, BSI praised Amey for having ‘a comprehensive carbon management process’ and ‘commitment to continual improvement, demonstrated through an innovative process for the quantification of collective carbon savings.’ It also singled out Amey’s comprehensive employee training programme.
Speaking on the announcement, Alex Gilbert, Managing Director – Consulting, said: “We are delighted that BSI has awarded our consulting business PAS 2080:2023 designer certification, which is clear recognition of our decarbonisation maturity. The award is testament to the sustainable culture and processes we have been embedding across our business for over a decade. It also ensures our clients, the UK’s largest infrastructure owners, have an industry leading decarbonisation offer, as we work together to reach net zero.”
Georgina Taylor, Head of HSEQ – Consulting, Amey said: “PAS 2080:2023 provides us with a framework to drive decarbonisation, identify and implement opportunities and innovations to deliver sustainable infrastructure solutions. Successful external verification indicates our commitment to whole life carbon reduction as part of our project delivery. Achieving this helps us promote action on decarbonisation and will support our clients with the ongoing net zero transition.’
Today’s announcement builds on Amey’s recent Sword of Honour award for Safety Excellence, and the ‘Globe of Honour’ award, for Environmental Excellence, from British Safety Council, demonstrating the highest possible standards in designing sustainable infrastructure solutions. In October this year, Amey was also recognised for the sustainable redesign and transformation of Liverpool Lime Street, collecting the ‘Active Travel Scheme of the Year' award at the Highways Magazine's 2023 Highway Awards.
Amey is one of the leading providers of full life-cycle decarbonisation solutions in the UK. It is known for delivering the UK’s first carbon neutral road improvement project for National Highways and is currently electrifying over 170km of railway across the Core Valley Lines to decarbonise the rail network in South Wales.
PAS 2080:2023 was published in April 2023 and widens the scope following the initial standard published in 2016. It was developed with support of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), the Green Construction Board (GCB), and other industry partners.
*The Carbon Project ICE report: Meaningful measurement for whole life carbon in infrastructure report.
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