Could you help to make Plymouth streets smarter?

Could you help to make Plymouth streets smarter?

An innovative app called Changify is being tested in Plymouth that could change the way that highways issues in the area are managed. It is the only software in the UK that allows local residents to report and suggest priority issues for their area, and receive feedback from other app users on their ideas. The search is now on for 200 budding local cyclists, walkers, runners to take part in the app’s trial.

This urban innovation programme is managed by local highways services provider, Amey and the Ferrovial Services Centre of Excellence for Cities in partnership with Plymouth City Council and Design 4 Social Change and is supported by Plymouth University.

Using a smartphone, road users will be able to report issues by taking pictures of anything on the highways network which other users can then vote on. The aim is to ensure the citizen is at the heart of the decision making process and together with citizens, Amey and the council will be able to collaboratively create better public infrastructure.

Funding for the development and trial of the Changify prototype with Amey was awarded to Design for Social Change upon winning Innovate UK’s IC tomorrow Connected Cities innovation contest.

Paul Anderson Account Director at Amey said: “We are hoping Changify will enable us to further tap into the views of Plymouth residents. Feedback from clients and stakeholders is normally gathered through consultations and meetings but through this innovative prototype we will be able to collate real-time direct feedback that will in turn enable us to drive a better service for Plymouth’s residents.”

Councillor Brian Vincent, Plymouth City Council’s Cabinet Member for Streetscene, said: “We’re always keen to explore new ways of reporting problems or suggesting areas for improvement and it will be interesting to see whether the people who take part in the pilot find this another useful tool for telling us about issues that are important to them.”

Priya Prakash, Founder at Design for Social Change said: “If you cycle or walk in Plymouth join us for this ground-breaking prototype pilot - a UK first. There are only 200 places available. Never before have citizens, cities, universities and businesses collaborated together to actively make cities better. All you need is the phone in your pocket to capture what you’d like to celebrate or improve in Plymouth’s streets and roads.

The trial will start early March and will run for 3 months with updates posted on Twitter using the Hashtag #SmarterStreets. If you are interested in taking part please contact or signup at .

Key facts about Amey

We are a leading provider of full life-cycle engineering, operations and decarbonisation solutions, for transport infrastructure and complex facilities.

Our purpose is to deliver sustainable infrastructure solutions, enhancing life, protecting our shared future.

We combine exceptional expertise in Consulting & Design, Advisory & Analytics, Transport Infrastructure and Complex Facilities to design, manage, and maintain clients’ assets throughout their lifetime.

Our leading data and analytics capability enables us to create transformative solutions that strengthen resilience and drive sustainable improvements.



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