Central Bedfordshire has landed an OSCAR

Move over Hollywood, Central Bedfordshire has landed an OSCAR

No, not the globally recognised statuette handed out to the great and good of the film industry every year, but a modified Ford Fiesta.

‘Our Safety Car’, better known as OSCAR, will be used to promote road safety to young drivers throughout Central Bedfordshire and is kitted out with technology to simulate the experience of being in a car crash. 

To make the experience as realistic as possible, Amey and Central Bedfordshire Council have created two short films; the first focusing on in-car distractions and the second, looking at tyre safety.

The film is displayed on the front windscreen of the car, with the sound system, hydraulic suspension, smoke machine and light show all adding to the crash-car experience.

Jon Shortland, Account Director at Amey, said: “OSCAR is a fantastic way in which we can promote safer driving to younger people and is the first of its kind.

“When young people first pass their test they aren’t always focused on safe driving, they want to pick up their friends and have fun but OSCAR reminds them, in an interactive way, that they still need to be driving safely.

“The feedback so far has been excellent and OSCAR is proving very popular. There will be lots of opportunities for people to come and see what it’s about as we will be taking the car to summer fetes, upper schools, village fairs, youth groups and many other events across Central Bedfordshire.”

While the message of driving safely and concentrating on the roads is for everyone, OSCAR is aimed primarily at 17-24 year olds and will be travelling to local events and visiting places such as upper schools and youth groups to help promote road safety. For more information on OSCAR please visit www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/oscar or email roadsafety@amey.co.uk.  


Key facts about Amey

We are a leading provider of full life-cycle engineering, operations and decarbonisation solutions, for transport infrastructure and complex facilities.

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