Contract win

Amey, as part of MTCnovo has today been announced preferred bidder for two contracts to manage the probation services in London and Thames Valley on behalf of the MoJ.

Amey, as part of MTCnovo has today been announced as preferred bidder for London and Thames Valley contracts.

MTCnovo is a new venture between the third, public and private sector which has been established to provide rehabilitation and offender management services.

The contract will see MTCnovo become a partner in the wider transformation of the offender rehabilitation system in England and Wales. MTCnovo will support a step change in the way offenders are supported and rehabilitated; and will ensure that for the first time, prisoners with sentences of less than 12 months will start to prepare for their reintegration back into society from the day they are imprisoned. Harnessing the professionalism and expertise of the workforce, MTCnovo will establish relationships with all offenders on the day they enter prison, making sure their time is spent productively on activities, education, and health programmes that will help to reduce the chance of reoffending again on release.

MTCnovo will also introduce an offender cohort model for the first time, which will see groups of offenders – women, 18-25 year olds, working age males, older males and those with a chronic illness, mental illness or intellectual disabilities – identified before services are tailored around the needs of each cohort.  

Notes to editors

MTCnovo is a new venture between the third, public and private sector, which has been established to provide rehabilitation and offender management services across London and Thames Valley  The venture comprises of:


MTC (Management & Training Corporation)

A predominantly US based social rehabilitation and justice expert who has been improving lives and rehabilitating ex-offenders for over 30 years. Each year MTC helps tens of thousands of offenders learn new academic, technical, and social skills to become more employable and productive members of society.

MTC successfully operates Job Corps, corrections, medical, and international and domestic workforce development contracts serving disadvantaged populations. MTC is the U.S’s largest ‘Job Corps’ operator and the third largest operator of private adult correctional facilities.


Novo -  A consortium with a number of public, private and third sector shareholders including, but not limited to:

  • RISE - the emergent mutual from the London Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC). Novo will support RISE in its quest for mutualisation and they will be thought partner for accredited programmes and will deliver a range of Rehabilitation Activity Requirements (RARs) and accredited programmes
  •  Band of Brothers - a charity committed to positive social change for 18-25 year old male offenders, with a specific focus on reducing self-destructive and anti-social behaviour
  • The Manchester College (TMC) - a national education provider and market leader in the delivery of Justice Sector learning, skills and employability, in prisons and in the community
  • Thames Valley Partnership (TVP) - a Thames Valley-based charity specialising in Restorative Justice and mentoring
  • Amey - the leading UK public service provider working with local and central government.


The charities involved in MTCnovo will each maintain their distinct mission and independence in line with their charitable objectives. This is an innovative governance structure that we believe will ensure the integrity and success of our approach.

As well as our shareholders and employees, we have a series of delivery partners that share the vision and approach to supporting vulnerable people, reducing reoffending and protecting the public by enabling safe communities.

MTCnovo’s delivery partners include (but are not limited to):

  • SOVA – a charity focusing on the involvement of volunteers in the delivery of services, SOVA will spearhead our mentoring arrangements and will support us in our Through the Gate activities
  • Crime Reduction Initiatives (CRI) - a criminal justice, health and social care charity that specialises in delivering national drugs and alcohol services to offenders
  • Northern Inclusion Consortium (NIC) - a consortium of northern-based charities, specialising in drugs and women’s issues
  • Prison Advice and Care Trust (PACT) - a national charity with a presence in 35 prisons across England and Wales which supports people affected by imprisonment; both offenders and their families
  • St Andrew’s Healthcare - the UK’s largest not-for-profit mental healthcare charity who will provide significant clinical and research experience regarding learning disabilities and mental health.
  • Step Change Debt Charity – the UK’s largest single provider of debt management plans.
  • Sanctuary Supported Living (SSL) - one of the largest Housing Providers in the UK, creating ‘supported living’ settings with care for vulnerable people.


Press Contacts

  • MTC novo

    For more information

    on MTCnovo and these contracts

    please see

    0845 365 1378