AMEY safeguards jobs in Birmingham

Public services provider Amey, which created 300 new jobs through the £2.7bn Birmingham Highways PFI, has secured a further 15 jobs in the city, by acquiring the rail consulting capability of international consultancy, WYG.

Amey, a leading public services provider, bought the company to boost its existing rail business – which already delivers two contracts at Birmingham New Street Station. These include looking after the customer information displays and inspecting tunnels and bridges.

Now 15 technical experts will transfer from WYG’s existing office in Lionel Street to Amey’s International Design Hub in Colmore Plaza – home to around 400 people who deliver specialist design consultancy services, as well as the PFI team.

The agreement sees Amey secure almost 100 skilled professionals nationally ranging from specialist designers to senior managers.

Andy Milner Consulting Managing Director at Amey said: “We are pleased to welcome these experts from WYG whose skills and experience will further strengthen our capability in rail. This is further proof that Amey is committed to investing in the city – in terms of its infrastructure and its people.”


Notes to editors:

Amey is a leading UK public services provider with more than 11,000 staff. The company works across three main markets - Inter Urban, Local Government and Built Environment, which are supported by our award-winning in house consultancy.

Amey delivers services in the highways, roads, schools, waste, rail, fleet solutions, workspace, street lighting, housing and aviation sectors. By offering a complete life-cycle solution for services, we maximise efficiencies for our customers.

Amey has been awarded the NCE/ACE Consultant of the Year title in 2010

Media contacts: Kat Richardson, Amey Press Office 01865 713240 or email

Key facts about Amey

We are a leading provider of full life-cycle engineering, operations and decarbonisation solutions, for transport infrastructure and complex facilities.

Our purpose is to deliver sustainable infrastructure solutions, enhancing life, protecting our shared future.

We combine exceptional expertise in Consulting & Design, Advisory & Analytics, Transport Infrastructure and Complex Facilities to design, manage, and maintain clients’ assets throughout their lifetime.

Our leading data and analytics capability enables us to create transformative solutions that strengthen resilience and drive sustainable improvements.



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    01865 713 240