Governance Structure

Amey UK Ltd Board

The Amey UK Ltd Board is responsible for the strategic direction, effective management, development and control of the Company and the Group as a whole.

Amey Executive Committee

The Board’s strategy is implemented through the Executive Committee, comprising Senior Executives, who assist the Chief Executive Officer in the management of the operations and development of the Group as a whole. Chaired by the Chief Executive Officer, the Executive Committee meets on a monthly basis including strategy sessions.

Environment Social and Governance (“ESG”) Committee

The ESG Committee provides oversight into the development and implementation of ESG policy and strategy. It also monitors Group ESG performance. The Committee is chaired by the Chairman of the Board and members are the CEO, Chief Operating Officer, the Group Communications Director, the ESG Director and representatives of the shareholder.

Investments and Approvals Committee

The Investments and Approvals Committee is chaired by the CEO with the CFO and General Counsel present. Other attendees are dependant on the matter for approval and consist of the Executive and Senior Management members of staff responsible for the Business Unit or Function seeking the investment/approval.

Safety Leadership Council

The Safety Leadership Council is chaired by the Chairman of the Board and comprises of the CEO, Group Health and Safety Director and key individuals from within the business who monitor, assess and seek to prevent Health & Safety incidents. Amey takes the wellbeing of its employees, suppliers, customers and community very seriously and regularly reviews every aspect of safety within the business.

IT Steering Committee

This Committee comprises senior IT and business representatives who consider investment and the development and approval of IT solutions before seeking Group approval.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee is responsible for determining the approach to and all elements of remuneration. The Committee defines and implement policies and procedure relating to arrangements for compensation and benefits for all Amey employees including the Executive Team and Amey Board Directors.

Group Pensions Committee

The Group Pensions Committee is responsible for determining policy on all pension related issues affecting the Amey Group and reviews the performance and management of Amey Group sponsored pension schemes. The Committee is chaired by the CFO, and also has senior HR, Legal, shareholder and Pensions team representatives. Recommendations on key pension decisions are made to the Board for approval.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee oversees the preparation of auditing accounts and underlying financial processes. The Committee also incorporates the relevant findings of the Risk Management Committee. Members of the Committee are the CFO, Group Financial Controller and shareholder directors.

Risk Management Committee

The Risk Management Committee is chaired by the Head of Risk Management and is attended by the CFO, General Counsel, Chief Commercial Director, and a business unit Managing Director. The committee undertakes quarterly appraisals of strategic and corporate risks/opportunities as well as low probability and high impact risks including key mitigation actions. Amey has three lines of defence with regard to risk:

  • Business Units and Group Functions – pre-contract risk assessment, commercial and legal risk assessments and operations risk management
  • Group Risk and Assurance Function - policy and process development, proactive risk/opportunity management and audit, engagement and reporting
  • Risk Management Committee and Audit Committee

Operational and Financial Reviews

The Operational and Financial Reviews are chaired alternately by the CEO and CFO. In attendance are General Counsel, the business units Executive Officer, general manager and finance manager who report monthly & challenge the units performance, top risks along with mitigations, financial performance, innovation, work winning, people issues and future market positions.